Superstars and Discoveries

New Season is Exciting Mix of Old and New

Patrick Neas
May/June 2023

The Harriman-Jewell Series’ 59th season is chock-full of longtime favorites like Emanuel Ax, as well as exciting new offerings, including a collaboration with the Mark Morris Dance Group celebrating the late, great Kansas City native Burt Bacharach. There are also some of the world’s finest orchestras and free Discovery concerts, too.

“We always have a roster of favorite artists we just can’t get enough of, that we always want to bring back, like the tenor Juan Diego Flórez,” said Clark Morris, executive and artistic director of the Harriman-Jewell Series.

The Peruvian opera superstar is one of the most sought-after singers in the world, but Kansas City will have a chance to hear him Nov. 26. Other world-class musicians on the schedule include violinist Hilary Hahn on Oct. 12 and Ax on March 6.